This is one of the best works of the internationally bestselling author Charles Jane Anders and is the second installment to her famous Victories greater than Death in the Unstoppable series.
Through this book, Anders takes the readers back to the space we saw in the First part. The book is set a few months after the first sequel, Victories Greater than Death, and our heroes are embarking on a new venture.
In the first book, we see that Tina is not an ordinary teenager but an interplanetary rescue beacon. She believes that one day she will activate the beacon, embark on a journey to save the planet, and go on various adventures among the stars. Tina is intergalactic and is a clone of an alien hero who is hidden. She is left on earth disguised as a human to protect the earth from horrible evils.
But soon, she activated the beacon, but unlike her dreams, her destiny was not what she expected. Instead, things are far more complicated and dangerous than she imagined. But what makes Tine more troubled is that the entire planet believes and expects Tina to be a brilliant tactician, just like the legendary savior Captain Thaoh. But Tina is just Tina.
The royal fleet just managed to escape with the planet with Tina, keeping the planet intact. With the plant still in place, Tina and her crew are determined to save the entire world and save herself. And the readers are left hanging on a cliff- whether Tina can fulfill her destiny and save the planet or not.
In the Dreamers bigger than heartbreak, we see Tina and other crew members embarking on other adventures. However, they escaped the evil in the first book But had to face some consequences.
Rachel, who is a friend of Tina, is an artist. But after they encounter an alien machine, she can no longer do her art. Meanwhile, Elsa, the first human to compete in the princess selection program, was welcomed by an unwelcomed face. While studying at the Royal face academy, Tina has put on a hero’s mask, but she is still struggling and scared of evil. Soon, the trio is forced to meet impossible missions, and they are unsure how to face all the challenges ahead.
One of the greatest aspects of Ander’s book is that she portrays a hero with human emotions. Unlike the other superheroes, who are daring and not afraid to meet any evil, Tina and the other superheroes are unsure of their skills. But, like humans, they also get scared when encountering challenges, which help the readers to connect quickly with the heroes.
Another notable aspect of the book is its rotating POV chapters. Unlike the previous part, Anders gives the spotlight to Rachel and Elza. We get to see the situation from Rachel’s and Elza’a POV, along with a few telecommunications from Tina. Characters are also separated from each other and are sent on individual missions. The book’s engaging nature and intense plot make it very popular, putting the readers on cliffhangers.